Unemployment Insurance Fund allows you to link your FNB bank account to your uFiling user account, This will allow payments to be loaded into FNB-CAMS, FNB Online Banking and FNB Internet Banking. These payment instructions require you to log into FNB-CAMS, FNB Online Banking and FNB Internet Banking to release them. The payment is not successful until you release it within your FNB banking application.

  • Relax, because you are paying us directly your account is guaranteed to be reconciled and updated.
  • Remove the risk. Using your own banking application is safe and convenient.
  • Pay your account where and when it is easiest for you.
  • Your uFiling profile is immediately updated with all payment information.
  • Your payment history is available on the uFiling site for a minimum of 2 years.

Pay Your Unemployment Insurance Fund Account

Add your bank account

  1. Log into uFiling Website.
  2. Select "Employer Information" and the "Banking Information".
  3. Complete the required banking Information.

Pay your account

  1. Log into uFiling Website.
  2. Select "Statement of Account" from your home page.
  3. Select the declaration or declarations you wish to pay.
  4. Click "Pay Accounts".
  5. Choose the FNB bank account type you wish to pay from: FNB-CAMS, FNB Online Banking and FNB Internet Banking.

FNB Online Banking Enterprise

  1. Log into Online Banking Enterprise.
  2. Navigate to the "Payments" tab.
  3. Click on "eFiling" sub tab.
  4. Click on "Submit eFiling" in the menu to submit a uFiling payment authorisation.
  5. Select the eFiling payment which requires authorisation and click on "Continue".
  6. The landing page will no longer reflect the eFiling payment as it has been forwarded for authorisation.
  7. Click on the "Payments" sub tab.
  8. Click on "Authorisation Needed" and select the uFiling payment to authorise. Thereafter click on "Authorise".
  9. Enter your Digital Certificate and password and click on "Accept".